Business Brokerage Packages

Seller Representation

When you are ready to sell, our team of Brokers & Advisors are ready to assist you in preparing your business for listing. 

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Value Builder Coaching

Whether your goal is to growing your business and improving operational efficiency to improve profitability or striving to leverage these improvements to bolster the sale price, our team can provide expert coaching services, leveraging 8 key drivers that impact valuation.  

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Comprehensive Seller Representation

You've successfully built an impressive business and looking to explore an exit plan that will let you retire or potentially pursue a new endeavor. This may seem daunting!

Brubaker Advisors will guide you through the full sales life cycle, from business evaluation and generation of broker's opinion of most likely sales price to confidentially marketing your listing, vetting potential buyers, and eventually completing the sale of your business. We prioritize  confidentiality and ensure that you are comfortable with each step of the process as we progress.

Next Steps

1.  Determine the value of your business.
     You want to achieve the best price for all your time, effort, and investment, but you're uncertain how to proceed. When you engage with our team, we will work with you to gather and analyze information on your business and market conditions, then apply valuation techniques to propose a likely selling price.

2.  Source Buyers who are ready, willing, and able. 
      Using the tools and network at our disposal, we will prioritize finding potential buyers for your business, while maintaining confidentiality. We bring these buyers to you and maintain momentum. 

3.  Navigation throughout the Process & Negotiation.
      Listing and selling a company can be complicated but partnering with knowledgable brokers significantly simplifies the process, laying out requirements step by step, supporting you and allowing your focus to remain on operating your business until it's sold.   

4.  Closing the Deal.
      It's time to realize the reward for everything you've put into your business. You've earned this final payday after dedication to your business legacy! We'll be there with you at the closing table and available for support through the transition to the Buyer as well.

We're happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact us now to schedule time to speak with one of our brokers.

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Succession Planning

This package provides assistance with succession planning. This includes an initial business assessment, laying out the requirements for an individual to take over the operation, whether that means an eventual business listing or maintaining control of the business while preparing to relinquish the day-to-day responsibilities. We will assist with process documentation and creation of training to support a smooth management transition.

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